Off the Felt with Mark Vos

We like to catch up with the pros from time to time, to give you a little sneak peek into their lives. Our latest chat was with Full Tilt Pro Mark Vos. We found out how he's recovering from the 2010 World Series of Poker, what he'd be doing if he wasn't playing poker, and who is more intimidating, Mel or Phil.
What have you done to cure your post World Series of Poker hangover?
Go to New Zealand, drink wine and snowboard.
Tell us your favorite moment from the summer.
Any of the pool parties I think, I've actually started to like the Vegas heat.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
To age 10 times slower or be able to live years again. I don't want to never die but having 100 years more of good health and being young would be about the greatest thing I could wish for.
What's next on your poker calendar?
I might go to the Full Tilt organized event in Cyprus in August, or the PPT in Cannes in September. But really I just want to go there to see some places I've never been. Happy to keep my live poker to a minimum and play online when I've got nothing better to do.
Give us your predictions for the November Nine?
I don't really know who's on the table except Michael Mizrachi. I would like the worst player to win cause it always makes things more fun that way. Actually it would be kinda cool if Mizrachi wins, from what I saw on PokerNews he made some super river calls and as corny as saying someone "deserves" anything in poker, maybe he does the most.
Who is more intimidating, Phil Ivey or Mel Gibson?
Intimidating, Ivey. Scary, Gibson.
If you weren't playing poker, what would you be doing instead?
If I didn't need to make money, basically exactly what I am doing, just minus the poker. If I did, and finished my degree, I'd be an actuary working at an investment bank probably. If I quit poker now, and had no money, and had my current "work ethic," I'd be pretty screwed. Maybe a bar job?
Do you have any superstitions before a tournament?
Not really, but my theory of, "if you don't register you will do better than 90% of the field" has been serving me well.
Tell us the top three songs on your poker playlist on your iPod
Just checking most played and they are, Cafe del Mar by Energy 52, Parlez vous francais? by Art vs Science, and Send the Message by Mattara. I put on all my electro stuff when I go boarding so it's slanted that way.
And for the question that is on everyone's mind, Edward or Jacob?
Is this a Twilight reference? I think Edward is the dude with a creepy face, so Jacob I guess.
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