PokerNews Offers New Desktop Pot-odds Calculator

If you��re looking for a standalone pot-odds calculator for your desktop, PokerNews has now created a brand new widget with you in mind. PokerNews�� latest helpful poker tool, the PokerNews Poker Odds Calculator, is available free of charge and puts the odds for any given situation just a few easy clicks away.
The new interactive Poker Odds Calculator utilizes the brand new Adobe Air technology and runs independent from online poker sites. It can also run on Windows, Macintosh or Linux platforms, making it an easy and versatile tool for a wide range of poker players.
This latest edition of PokerNews�� Poker Odds Calculator, designed for Texas hold��em play, also includes all the features that the online version introduced, including an intuitive ��visual�� way of showing �C based on the known cards input for the player and his opponent(s) �C how the ��good�� or ��bad�� cards that could appear on the remaining streets are shown in a visual representation of the deck.
To install the brand new PokerNews Poker Odds Calculator, simply click here and enjoy the ease of use the program offers. It��s just one of a growing family of useful poker tools from your friends at PokerNews!