Online Poker Legislation Hits Mac Users Hard

When online poker really began to take off about two or three years ago, nearly every software platform that was developed was developed for PC (Windows) based computers. About a year ago, if you were a Apple Macintosh user, you had one choice �C, or one of its affiliated 'skins'.
The tide had been turning for Mac users of late, however. About 10 months ago, Full Tilt announced they were launching their Macintosh platform. Merely days before the passage of the Unlawful Internet Gambling Act, Party Poker launched the beta version of their new Mac friendly platform. Things were looking bright for poker players who happened to use Macintosh computers, and it appeared their choices of rooms to play in would keep growing and growing.
With the recent announcement by parent company Bwin that it's online room, would no longer accept U.S. bettors, Mac players were essentially left with one major online poker room to choose from �C Full Tilt Poker.
Full Tilt has enacted a number of added bonuses to try to lure players looking for a new place to play. With it looking more and more like they will be the only game in town for Mac players, it appears many players will be taking advantage of the offers and heading over to the 'home of the pros'.
For nearly ten years, PokerRoom was the sole haven for Mac owners that wanted to play poker. Things were looking up for Apple users for a few months, but at least for now, it appears that Mac owners are back to one choice if they want to play at a major online poker room.