Gus Hansen launches Poker Champs

I am really impressed with Poker Champs, the new online poker room that Gus Hansen has just launched. Gus is one of the new breed of poker champions. In recent years he has come storming on to the poker scene from Denmark via California to win WPT events at the Bellagio and the Commerce Casino.
You can choose how many tables you want to play in or watch simultaneously: simply select OneScreen, EnlargedScreen, DuoScreen or FourScreen. Set your screen resolution to 1152 x 864 first if you want to play 4 tables at once.
Another thing I like about PokerChamps is that it has some tables where the action has to be completed in seven seconds before a warning comes and then second seven seconds after that. These are marked with "T" for Turbo.
This reminds me of the World Speed Poker Championship, held in Estonia, where I recently played: the action there had to be completed in fifteen seconds, and it's a rule that keeps players on their toes!
Poker Champs is masterminded by Gus Hansen, one of the new breed of poker champions. In recent years he has come storming on to the poker scene from Denmark via California in a really impressive way, winning the WPT events at both the Bellagio and the Commerce Casino.
Altogether, a slick enjoyable site which I strongly recommend for days when you are alert and keen to play multiple online poker games at speed. Other picks of mine among online poker rooms are PartyPoker and Pacificpoker followed by UltimateBet.
Good luck today!
Tony G