New Zealand Man Gets 99-Character Name After Losing Drunken Prop Bet

Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All the Superheroes Combined with Frostnova is the 99-character-long new name of a New Zealand man who lost a drunken prop bet at the poker table.
Although the story refers to an episode that happened five years ago, it came to media attention only now as a friend of the 22-year old "hero" from Dunedin, New Zealand discussed it on the board of an online body building forum, announcing that his friend��s request had finally been accepted.
As discussed on the forum, the prop bet took place during a home game that took place five years ago after which one of the players had to change his name to Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All the Superheroes Combined with Frostnova, as decided by the other players.
According to the New Zealand Herald, the unusual request was accepted because "the name met the requirements of naming rules and the applicant paid the fee and completed the form correctly."
Local legislation on names imposes a 100-character limit and allows the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to intervene only in case the names chosen "cause offence to a reasonable person, are unreasonably long, or without adequate justification include or resemble an official title or rank."
Now that the name has been approved, the young Mr. More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock has choice but to start changing all of his documents and find a way to fit all of the 99 characters on his passport and driving license.
Luckily for him, though, the law allows Mr. More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock to change his name again after the payment of a $127 fee and the completion of all the due forms.
This certainly rivals some of the most outlandish prop bets we've seen in poker, including Nick Divella living inside his bathtub for a week; Huck Seed betting Phil Hellmuth $50,000 that he could stand in the ocean up to his shoulders for 18 hours straight; and Ashton Griffin running 70 miles in 24 hours for $300,000.
Photo courtesy of the New Zealand Herald
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